I Love Lucy: The Classics Volume 4 VHS (1998)


This is an I Love Lucy: The Classics Volume 4 VHS released in 1998 featuring two episodes of the 1950s television series I Love Lucy starring Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz. Although no image of Superman appears on the cover, this VHS contains an episode titled “Lucy and Superman” in which Ricky Ricardo plans on having Superman attend little Ricky’s birthday party.  When there is news that he may not be able to make it, Lucy dresses in a makeshift costume in hopes of not disappointing her son and his friends. Lucy eventually fins herself trapped on the ledge outside of the apartment window and the real Superman (played by the actual 1950s television show star George Reeves) shows up at the party and eventually saves Lucy.

This episode is hilarity at its finest. Reeves seems right at home in a comedy setting especially when sarcastically delivering the line, “And they call me Superman.”

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