Superman II: The Adventure Continues DC Special Series book (1981)



In honor of the passing of Margot KidderLois Lane.

This is a Superman II: The Adventure Continues DC Special Series treasury sized book.  The book is filled with behind the scenes stories, interviews with cast and few members, and huge color and black-and-white photos from the production of the movie. The book even includes ads for the Superman telephone, the Atari video game, and the Movieland Wax Museum statue.


I met Margot Kidder back in 2000 during the Superman Celebration in Metropolis Illinois.  I was deeply honored to be sitting late one night at the food court of the then Riverboat Casino with a few friends along with celebration guests, Mike Carlin, Jeph Loeb, Tom Nguyen, Marc McClure, and Margot Kidder.

Ms. Kidder was quite funny and always very gracious.  That is how she was to her fans. Always making it a point to be welcoming to anyone who approached her.

She will be missed.


2000 Superman Celebration in Metropolis Illinois.  (Pictured L-R: Margot Kidder, Scott Cranford, Noel Neill, Jeph Loeb, Marc McClure, Mike Carlin, and Tom Nguyen.)

4 thoughts on “Superman II: The Adventure Continues DC Special Series book (1981)

  1. It’s a beautiful book. I can only imagine its contents.
    I guess it was an honor for you to meet Margot Kidder and all the other great stars who participated in the celebration of Superman.

    P.S. : Lawrence I sent you a new e-mail.

    Liked by 1 person

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