Superman: The Complete History book (1998)

This has to be one of the most interesting books in my collection so far. In 1998, Chronicle Books published this excellent hardcover titled Superman: The Complete History. Written by Les Daniels, the book showcases everything you ever wanted to know about Superman’s long legacy though many mediums up until the point of its publishing.

As soon as you open the book, you are hit with full-color photos of some classic Superman artwork, posters, and collectibles. The book opens with a detailed glimpse into the character’s influences and creation as well as Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster’s other creations like Slam Bradley and Funnyman. Daniels expertly covers Superman’s journey through his radio years, his first animated films, his first live-action films starring Kirk Alyn, and the character’s…

Super Museum “Superman First Appeared” pressed penny (2000s)

Here is another coin that’s part of my Superman pressed pennies collection. This pressed penny was made at the Super Museum in Metropolis Illinois. This token’s design features an rendering of Joe Shuster art and says: “Superman – First Appeared 1938”. This is one of a few designs created by the museum in the 2000s.

Superman On Sale Here promotional poster (1989)

This is a Superman On Sale Here poster that was sent to comicbook shops in 1989 to promote the upcoming Superman titles. The poster shows off the enormous artistic talent of the great Jerry Ordway. For those of you who know your Superman history, this poster design is an homage to the cover of Superman number 1 drawn by the legendary Joe Shuster for its landmark 1939 debut which was celebrating its fiftieth anniversary at the time.

Famous 1st Edition Action Comics #1 (1974)

In honor of Superman’s 80th birthday and the anniversary of the first edition of Action Comics!

This is a treasury sized comic titled Famous 1st Edition Action Comics #1. Published in 1974, this is a large reprint of the first appearance of Superman. DC Comics published numerous “1st Edition” treasury comics including Superman #1, Detective Comics #27, Batman #1, Sensation Comics #1, and Wonder Woman #1.


Metropolis Illinois Superman Celebration “Round Tuit” wooden token (1998)

Another promotional collectible that was sold around town in Metropolis Illinois was this “Round Tuit” wooden token. The images on the wooden token are printed in red ink. On the face of the token is an interpretation of the classic image of Superman originally drawn by co-creator Joe Shuster and has the words “Metropolis Illinois”. On the reverse side of the token is…

Superman Sunday comic strip #177 (1943)

Superman’s comic strip run began in 1939 and continued until 1966. This is an actual half page from a 1943 Superman comic strip (number 177) with art by Wayne Boring. The story, entitled Hollywood Victory Caravan, tells the tale of a group of Hollywood actors who travel from city to city and raise money to help fund the United States during World War II. During a bus tour…

Superman pin set (1988)

In 1988, DC Comics released this set of Superman pins. The set featured a history of Superman with four differently shaped pins with art by four artists: Joe Shuster, Curt Swan, John Byrne and Jerry Ordway.