Cracked magazine Super #11 (1996)

On the cover of this issue of Cracked magazine Super #11, published in the summer of 1996, you’ll find DC Comics characters facing off against Marvel Comics characters in quite an unusual way. The cover was illustrated by Rurik Tyler who has done a lot of work for Marvel over the years. This magazine is full of reprinted superhero (and non-superhero) parodies from Cracked magazine’s archive as well as a new story (at the time) called “The Marvel versus DC Battles” which parodies the then storylines where DC and Marvel characters fought each other which then lead to…

Mattel Justice League Action Mighty Minis (Pack 1) (2016)

Another collectible based on the animated series Justice League Action. This is pack one of the Mighty Minis line of figures that contains Superman, Lobo, Hawkman, and Darkseid’s head which was seemingly lopped off in battle. No… actually it’s a build-a-figure piece that, when you collect all for packs in the series, connects with other pieces to create a full Darkseid Mighty Minis figure.