Metropolis Illinois magnet (José Luis García-López standing pose) (1991)

During my first trip to the Superman Celebration in Metropolis Illinois back in 1998, I went a little nuts buying up promotional merchandise. For some reason, magnets were a draw for me (pun intended). This is one of them. It’s a great looking one that adapts the art of José Luis García-López and shows Superman standing with fists clenched. The 3D magnet…

Super Museum “Superman First Appeared” pressed penny (2000s)

Here is another coin that’s part of my Superman pressed pennies collection. This pressed penny was made at the Super Museum in Metropolis Illinois. This token’s design features an rendering of Joe Shuster art and says: “Superman – First Appeared 1938”. This is one of a few designs created by the museum in the 2000s.

2018 Metropolis Illinois Superman Celebration program (2018)

This is a program from the 2018 celebration which features amazing artwork by artist Jon Pinto which was created exclusively for the event which celebrated its 40th anniversary. The program features an event map, a tribute to Margot Kidder, a detailed schedule, bios of all the guests including Brandon Routh, Ilya Salkind, Jack O’Halloran, Jeff East, Aaron Smolinski, John Haymes Newton, Alex Saviuk and many others.