Cracked magazine Super #11 (1996)

On the cover of this issue of Cracked magazine Super #11, published in the summer of 1996, you’ll find DC Comics characters facing off against Marvel Comics characters in quite an unusual way. The cover was illustrated by Rurik Tyler who has done a lot of work for Marvel over the years. This magazine is full of reprinted superhero (and non-superhero) parodies from Cracked magazine’s archive as well as a new story (at the time) called “The Marvel versus DC Battles” which parodies the then storylines where DC and Marvel characters fought each other which then lead to…

Mad magazine #208 (1979)

Cover dated July 1979, this is an issue of Mad magazine that features a parody of Superman: The Movie. It features the cover artwork of longtime Mad Magazine contributor Jack Rickard. The eight page parody in this issue, called Superduperman, was written by Larry Siegel and art by Mort Drucker. It opens with a hilarious take on…

Mad magazine #336 (1995)

You may be asking yourself, “why is a Superman collector adding a Mad magazine with Beavis and Butt-head on the cover?”  Well, for years, Mad magazine has done parodies of Superman portrayals.  Although only appearing on the cover as text, this issue (cover dated June 1995) featured a parody of…