Unique Superman Luncheon Napkins (1996)

As part of the marketing for Superman: The Animated Series, Warner Bros. licensed Unique Ind. Inc. to create a line of party favors. This is a pack of sixteen luncheon napkins each of which measure 13 inches by 13 inches when unfolded. Each napkin features a bold image of the animated series Superman flying over the highly stylized art deco Metropolis with the Daily Planet in the background.

Budmore Publishing Superman II Movie Special book (1981)

In 1981, Budmore Publishing Corp. produced this giant Superman II Movie Special book. This amazing book has many full-page color photos from the film and brief bios about some of the cast members like Christopher Reeve, Gene Hackman, Margot Kidder, Terence Stamp, Sarah Douglas, Jack OʻHalloran, Ned Beatty, Jackie Cooper, Valerie Perrine, Marc McClure, and others.

Hot Wheels Lexcorp Jet Takeoff (2007)

Setting up the beginning of a tale of about a confrontation between Superman and his arch nemesis Lex Luthor was what this Hot Wheels Lexcorp Jet Takeoff set was all about. Produced in 2007 by Mattel, the carded set features a Superman jet powered vehicle, a translucent green Lexcorp Jet (with purple trimming) that has a propeller at the rear, and a 1.5-inch Superman figurine in an action pose.

Enesco Superman gift bag (1987)

This is a Superman gift bag produced by Enesco in 1987. The blue bag stands at six inches tall and features the artwork of José Luis García-López showing Superman flying away from the city and the Superman logo above it.

Superman II: The Adventure Continues DC Special Series book (1981)

In honor of the passing of Margot Kidder… Lois Lane.

This is a Superman II: The Adventure Continues DC Special Series treasury sized book. The book is filled with behind the scenes stories, interviews with cast and few members, and huge color and black-and-white photos from the production of the movie. The book even includes ads for the Superman telephone, the Atari video game, and the Movieland Wax Museum statue.

Avon Superman Bubble Bath (1978)

Produced by Avon in 1978 was this Superman Bubble Bath. This figural container features a bold image of Superman standing atop buildings with his arms folded. The upper torso of the figure serves as the bottle’s cap cover and has a plastic cape.