About This Virtual Exhibit


withcookie1Welcome and thank you for visiting.  I’ve been a Superman fan since childhood and a Superman collector since high school.  The first Superman comic book I ever owned was Superman #257 (October, 1972) Superman257examplewhich had a cover that was illustrated by Nick Cardy.  That cover spoke volumes to me and completely captured my imagination.  I believe it was at that point that I became a fan.  I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Cardy 33 years later and had a chance to thank him for creating the spark that ignited my fandom.

Aug1979MovielandWhen I was in high school, I decided to focus on collecting Superman comics and merchandise by first gathering what I already had and soon assembled a small collection of items. Throughout college and my early adulthood, my collection grew.

After a few awe inspiring trips to the Superman Celebration in Metropolis Illinois, I founded a local Superman fan group in 2000 called the sfcch2005grouphtmltnSuperman Fan and Collectors of Hawaii. In 2005, we had the distinct honor and pleasure of hosting an event showcasing the phenomenal actress Noel Neill best known for her role as Lois Lane in both the Superman serials and on the 1950s television series The Adventures of Superman. Our other special guest was noted film historian John Field.

worldsfinestexhibitaboutIn 2014, I had the privilege of publicly displaying a portion of my collection at the Hawaii All-Collectors Show as part of a Batman/Superman collectible display with friend and Batman collector Scott Shinsato. The booth drew fans, old and new, and several costumers. Our collections were soon featured in an article in HiLuxury magazine.

This WordPress site began in 2015 and, over the course of time, you’ll be seeing items from my Superman collection. On the first page, you will see the most recent uploads.  If you’d like to see all the collectibles that I’ve uploaded so far, just click in the search box and hit ENTER without typing anything.

Sorry, these items are not for sale.  This is just a way for me to share my interest with the world as a sort of virtual exhibit.  Likewise, this is not meant as a venue for anyone to sell their Superman items so please be courteous and refrain from attempting to use this site for that purpose.

As you view these collectibles, please be sure to “like” and comment about your favorites.  For the best results, please view this site on either a desktop or laptop computer.

I try to make an entry whenever I am able to.  I hope to keep you eagerly guessing what Superman collectible you’ll see in my next update.  Enjoy!

NOTE: I had noticed some ads that appeared on this site from time-to-time that were questionable and, in my opinion, occasionally violated ethics, decency, or were just plain misleading and factually incorrect. All of the ads that are on this site are allowed to be placed by WordPress by a third party and are on this site to keep this free for me. I notified WordPress of the specific ads in question and they have agreed to have them removed. Since those ads appeared on my WordPress site, I would like to deeply apologize for those that may have offend you. In the meantime, I will continue to monitor the ads.  With that said, the ads that remain anywhere on this website do not necessarily reflect my opinions, interests, or ethics. If you see any ads on this site that offend, mislead, or violate decency, please let me know about them. Thank you for your understanding and support.










Please like and/or comment about any collectible.  If you see any errors, broken links or have any questions about the collection please email me.  A reminder, all of the items in my collection are NOT FOR SALE.  Thanks.


What are your thoughts about the collection?